Climate And Energy

Analyzing Poland’s carbon forestry initiatives: strengthening or replacing climate policy?

  On 18 February, Julia Szulecka and Kacper Szulecki presented a paper entitled “A Climate Skeptical Mitigation Policy? Explaining Poland’s Carbon Forestry Two-Level Game” at the international workshop “Anatomy of Disbelief – Analysing Climate Scepticism” hosted by the Jagiellonian University, Krakow. After 2015, Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party, most notably the environment minister Jan […]

Energy Security in Europe: new edited book published by Palgrave!

The book, edited by Dr. Kacper Szulecki, is the final output of the project financed by the German-Polish Science Foundation (grant No. 2014-15) lead by Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen, with ESPRi’s participation. This edited collection highlights the different meanings that have been attached to the notion of energy security and […]

Julia Szulecka’s guest column on carbon forestry in Poland’s popular watchdog daily

Poland is seen as a climate policy laggard and has recently been under a lot of international pressure due to the continued logging of the precious Bialowieza Forest. Meanwhile, the Minister of Environment boasts about the country’s uniquely sustainable forestry practices and introduces Forest Carbon Farms as an innovative tool for climate change mitigation. In […]

Does Local Energy Mean Renewable? Report from a Survey on the Acceptance for the Development of Renewable Energy Sources Among Polish Local Authorities

Authors: Andrzej Ancygier and Kacper Szulecki, ESPRi Report no. 1 (English version), June 2014 The report summarizes the results of a survey conducted among local authorities in Poland in late 2013. The survey has shown very high support for the development of renewable sources of energy at the local level and low acceptance for coal […]

Energia lokalna – czyli odnawialna? Raport z badania akceptacji dla odnawialnych źródeł energii i perspektywy dla ich rozwoju w polskich gminach

Authors: Andrzej Ancygier i Kacper Szulecki, ESPRi Report nr. 1 (wersja polska), grzudzień 2013 Polska energetyka stoi na rozdrożu. Już dziś wiemy, że po 2015 roku, kiedy wyłączone zosta‐ ną najstarsze i najmniej efektywne bloki węglowe, będziemy musieli zmierzyć się z niedo‐ statkiem mocy. Jednak strategia rządu wobec sektora energetycznego jest wciąż niejasna. Czy Polska […]

Comparing the EU Emissions Trading System and the US Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: Is There Compatibility Across the Ocean?

Author: Paweł Pustelnik, ESPRi Working Paper no. 3, May 2013 The main aim of this article is to analyze compatibilities for linking of two independent emissions trading schemes: European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Given the fact that both schemes are based on a cap-and-trade principle, they offer […]

Polityka klimatyczna w Polsce

Author: Karolina Jankowska, ESPRi Policy Brief no. 1, February 2013 Polska gospodarka jest jednym z największych europejskich emitentów gazów cieplarnianych, również biorąc pod uwagę stosunek emisji C02 do produktu krajowego brutto. Polska emituje rocznie ok. 386 mln ton CO2, a w celu wytworzenia 1000 dolarów PKB – około 760 kg C02. Od2002 roku emisje dwutlenku węgla wzrastały […]

Heating up the Conflict: A research proposition for investigating the influence of climate change on violent conflict

Author: Marcin Orzechowski, ESPRi Working Paper No. 2, September 2012 The main aim of this article is to present a possible framework for investigating the effects of climate change on conflict. Recent literature on climate change and conflict mostly ignores the effects of contextual factors – political, economic and social conditions in a given country […]

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